

The DataShell schema file is the main configuration file for your DataShell setup. It consists of the following parts:

  • Blocks - The schema file is divided into blocks, each of which is responsible for a specific aspect of your DataShell setup. These blocks differ from datawarehouse to datawarehouse, so they each have their own unique reference, although the syntax is the same for all of them.
  • Fields - Each block contains fields, which are the individual configuration options for that block. These fields are used to configure the behavior of the block or to define the structure of the data in the block.
  • Comments - You can add comments to the schema file to document your setup. Comments are ignored by the DataShell CLI and are only visible in the schema file and in our tools.

See the reference for detailed information about each section of the schema for your specific data warehouse.

Whenever a datashell command is invoked, the CLI typically reads some information from the schema file to create a structure representing the data warehouse. This structure is then used to generate the necessary SQL code to create the tables, views, and other objects in the data warehouse or run different checks and validations.